I am a Careers Guidance Counsellor & I work with people of all ages and from all backgrounds. I support individuals to realise their potential and to make well informed and realistic career decisions. I’m a registered member of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors , Ireland and have over 20 years experience. Having worked in schools, training centres, further education colleges and community setting, I have an in-depth knowledge of educational and employment opportunities as well as the supports available to enhance peoples progression.
I offer an all age guidance service, so whether you are a young person making your first choices in school, retired and looking to start a new adventure or anywhere in between, I will guide you to identify your true career aspirations and the routes you can take to get there.
Delia Clarke B.A, C.E.G. H.dip, BPS Cert.
Bachelor of Arts. (hons) , Careers Education and Guidance Higher Diploma, Guidance Counselling Maynooth. British Psychological Society Certified level A.
Tel. 086 304 6268
Email: careersguidancegalway@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/delia-clarke-43481367/
Facebook: Careers Guidance Counsellor, Galway
Twitter: #clarkecareers