Hello, my name is Rita Mc Gowan. I have worked in Holistic practice for 20 years. My business name is Lavender Drive Therapies, which is new to the Triskel Centre.
I have worked with a broad spectrum of people from cancer patients in a Cancer Support Centre for eight years, to babies, doing Baby Reflex to maternity to Infertility, to addiction, to bereavement and stress.
My Therapies include:
Reflexology (Baby Maternity Infertility)
Indian Head massage
Hopi Ear Candling
Lymph Drainage Massage.
Lymph Drainage Massage is new to my therapies and having a huge success with it. If you know anyone with Lymphedema or any type of swelling this is the therapy for them.
Tel: 086 3822608
Email: lavenderdrive@eircom.net
Facebook Lavender Drive Holistic Centre
Lavender Drive Therapies